Carroll County Center

Carroll County Center

Conversational Spanish

Instructor: Odra De Leon
Are you traveling to a Spanish-speaking country? Do you need to understand Spanish for work? This entry-level class is for people with little or no experience with the Spanish language. This course covers topics such as numbers, friendly greetings, polite expressions, foods, places, the family, time, days of the week, money, colors, and more. To improve new skills, you will have the chance to interact with other students in real-life situations.

Odra, originally from Guatemala, brings both cultural insight and a love for the Spanish language to every class. As a teacher she uses Spanish daily to help students communicate as well as helping her community by translating when needed.

Day of the week: Tuesday
Date: April 1 – May 6 (6 lessons)
Time: 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Cost: $65

Introduction to Watercolor Painting

Instructor: Amber Leibee
Beginning watercolor with pen and ink. We will focus on color mixing, beginning drawing techniques, and capturing simple subjects found in nature. All supplies needed for class will be provided.

Amber is a watercolorist and amateur naturalist whose artistic intention is to record the profound peace inherent in solitary study of the natural world. The paints in her unique palettes are hand mulled using water from a local spring. When she is not painting en plein air, Amber teaches watercolor classes at Adventure Art, her art supply store in Eureka Springs.

Day of the week: Thursday
Date: May 8
Time: 4:00 – 7:00 pm
Cost: $40

Learn To Use Your Computer

Instructor: Courtney Clark
Gain confidence in using your laptop with the Windows system (this class is not for Apple computers). The instructor will cover elementary computer concepts, basic navigation of Windows, fundamentals of word processing, an overview of beginner AI tools, basic file browsing and file management, web browsing, and email attachments. You will need to bring your own laptop to class.

Courtney is a Berryville business owner and manager and has taught as adjunct faculty at bg真人游戏注册 in Business & I.T. for 10+ years. She has many hobbies, including baking, photography, piano, and reading, and is known for carrying around a box of computer parts for spontaneous show and tell. She loves learning and sharing her knowledge with others.

Day of the week: Tuesday
Date: May 20 & 27 (2 lessons)
Time: 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Cost: $40
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